Moon Kissed (Mirror Lake Wolves, Book 1)
Moon Kissed (Mirror Lake Wolves, Book 1)
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Click To Read The Synopsis
Click To Read The Synopsis
Something sinister lurks in the Mirror Lake woods...
Life is different for those living in the Mirror Lake Trailer Park. Mina Ryan has waited years for her werewolf gene to trigger. The clock is ticking, if she isn't Moon Kissed soon, she runs the risk of becoming an outsider to her pack.
Bigger issues arise when Mina learns one of her pack members has gone missing. Even worse, she might know something about their disappearance. There's only one person Mina can turn to for help. Too bad she has a hard time trusting herself when she's around him...
With the full moon looming closer, the mystery of a missing pack member growing, and her attraction to the Alpha's son blooming, it's all Mina can do to keep her head and heart in check.
Click To Read Chapter One
Click To Read Chapter One
The flickering letters in the sign hung above Eddie’s bar pulsed with my heartbeat. Somehow, the strobing neon lights had become one of the things I could always count on never changing. There was another thing I could count on when it came to Eddie’s too—Dad being shit-faced somewhere inside.
It was a given on any day that ended in the letter Y.
I leaned back in my seat and willed my heart to stop hammering against my rib cage. As much as I didn’t want to step inside, I knew I had to. There was no one else. Everyone was sick of my father’s antics, and to be honest, I couldn’t blame them. While I was sick of his shit too, I was still his daughter. We were family. It was the only reason I was here. The only reason I ever came.
I shouldn’t be here, though.
I wasn’t of legal age to drink. I was barely eighteen, but no one in Eddie’s would care. All they wanted was the town drunk to leave the bar so they could resume their night of fun without listening to him blabber about the past.
There was another reason I shouldn’t be here besides not being of legal drinking age—Alec. I should be enjoying my night with him. We were supposed to see a movie and spend time together. Yet here I was, picking up my dad from the bar for the third night this week. When would Eddie learn to cut Dad off? Why did he always let him get so shit-faced?
The door to the bar swung open, garnering my attention and revealing a lone figure in the threshold. The guy’s face was shrouded in shadows, but it didn’t matter. I didn’t need to see it to know who he was.
I’d recognize Eli Vargas anywhere.
Something about him called to me in a way I didn’t understand. A way that made me uneasy. I’d tried over the years to place distance between us, but it never seemed to matter. One way or another, we were always pulled into the same space despite how hard I tried to stay away from him.
Eli sauntered toward my car. A shiver, one that was hard to pinpoint why it occurred, slipped along my spine as I watched him draw nearer. It was always that way with Eli. My body betrayed me when he was around. Something about him spoke to a darker place inside me, a feral place. A primal place entirely free of inhibitions and responsibilities. I constantly pushed away those feelings so I could feel a sense of normalcy.
As Eli grew closer, the lamppost a few feet from where I’d parked illuminated him. My insides vibrated to life as I drank him in. Dressed in low-hung jeans and a gray tank top that showcased his beautiful muscles glistening in the moonlight, Eli was mouthwatering. Even so, my brain itched for me to place distance between us. Maybe it was because of the way my body reacted when I was in his presence—electrically charged and utterly out of my control. He’d always represented trouble to me. Any guy who looked good enough to elicit such a feeling from me by simply being in his presence couldn’t be anything besides trouble. He was the type of guy who left a string of broken hearts behind once he got what he wanted.
At least, that’s how I viewed him. Maybe I was wrong, but I wasn’t about to risk it. Not with him. Not with the way I always seemed to feel while in his presence.
Eli leaned against my car door and folded his arms across his chest. My window was down, and I waited for him to say something. His voice slipping through the night would cause a reaction inside me no voice ever should. My fingers gripped the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white. He remained mute, but his eyes were fixed on me. I could feel them. The heat of them. The pull they harbored.
It had my adrenaline spiking and stole the breath from my lips.
A loud crash came from somewhere inside the bar, causing me to flinch. It snapped me out of my head and forced me back to reality. I hoped Dad hadn’t broken something again. If so, I wasn’t sure how we would pay for it this time.
Shouting and low grumbles made their way through the thin walls of the place. It sounded as though my father was well beyond inebriated and had overstayed his welcome with the other patrons.
How much had they allowed him to drink tonight? Was it Eli’s fault? After all, he was the newly hired bartender. Which also meant I’d be seeing a lot more of him.
The stupid universe pulling us together again.
Another round of ruckus burst from inside the place. I needed to get Dad home before he got himself into trouble. While it was true my dad had issues, I was blaming tonight’s excessive alcohol consumption on Eli. He knew my dad enjoyed drinking like a fish. He shouldn’t have served him as much as he obviously had.
My gaze drifted to Eli, ready to tell him that. A smirk, which caused my lower stomach to heat, twisted across his beautiful face, and my mouth went dry. Thoughts vanished as though they’d never existed.
I pulled myself together. It was something I’d learned to do at the drop of a hat while in his presence. Why was he grinning like that? Was he glad I was here? Suspicion built inside me. Had he allowed my dad to get beyond shitty on purpose? He did know I had plans with Alec tonight. I knew he’d overheard us the other night when Alec was dropping me off. Eli had been sitting outside his parents’ trailer. I wondered if this was his way of sabotaging my date tonight. Even though Eli and I had never been an item, it still seemed like something he would do. He didn’t like Alec. In fact, he’d told me more than once he thought I was wasting my time with him.
A tiny part of me thought he might be right, considering Alec was human, but I’d never admit it.
I popped open my car door and forced myself out. Eli took a step back, giving the door room to swing wide, but the smirk never left his face. The bright green of his eyes captured my attention, pulling me in like always. Eli had an otherworldly eye color I had never witnessed on anyone. There was something mysterious and beautiful about it.
“Mina Ryan,” he muttered in a sultry, low voice that caused goose bumps to erupt across my skin. “Look at you, all dressed up like you have somewhere to be.”
Butterflies burst to life in the pit of my stomach, but I forced myself to ignore them. To ignore the effect Eli Vargas had on me entirely.
I was dressed up, but it wasn’t for him. It was for Alec. He knew it, too. The cocky glint shimmering in his hypnotic eyes let me know.
“Yeah, yeah,” I said as I slipped past him toward the bar. The scent of stale cigarettes lingered in the night air the closer to the door I came. The place was supposed to be non-smoking indoors, like every public place in town, but no one ever obeyed that law. There was even a sign posted behind the bar, but it didn’t matter. People smoked when they drank in Eddie’s; it was a fact. “Just tell me where my dad is.”
“Feeling a little feisty this evening, I see.” He followed me toward the bar closer than he should. I swore I could feel his hot breath tickle the fine hairs along the back of my neck. It made me want to rip my ponytail out to block the sensation; it had my knees going weak.
I glanced over my shoulder at him. “Wonder why.”
Eli’s gaze dipped to the gravel of the parking lot. Did he feel bad now? “He’s at the end of the bar.”
“Thanks.” I swung open the screen door and stepped inside.
My eyes scanned the smoke-filled, dimly lit place as I walked farther in. A variety of sympathetic and pissed-off looks were tossed my way. I knew it was because some felt bad for my dad while others felt bad for me. There were also those who wished I would have come earlier so they could enjoy their night escaping their demons without my dad interrupting.
Deep down, though, they all knew that was also the reason my dad was here. He was escaping his demons. Didn’t that make everyone here doing the same a damn hypocrite?
Dad used to be one of Mirror Lake’s best mechanics, but a freak accident when I was twelve nearly cost him his life. Instead, it had left him crippled. The doctors had said he would never walk again. He’d be paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of his life, but what they didn’t know was my dad wasn’t an average man. He wasn’t your average human, either.
Neither was I.
The Ryans came from a long line of something special. At least that was how Gran always described it. I’d always thought of it as something different, not special. In a place like Mirror Lake, being different isn’t exactly uncommon. I guess I should be thankful.
That something special healed my dad better and faster than the doctors thought possible. He became a medical mystery in their eyes. A miracle. His spinal injury healed in a couple of months, not entirely, but enough for him to walk again, albeit with a limp. At least he wasn’t wheelchair-bound like they’d thought he would be. The something special in our blood hadn’t healed his pain, though. That’s what crippled him most. He quickly became addicted to the pain medications they had him on, eating them like candy while trying to dull his pain to a bearable level.
It never lasted long.
He’d eat a handful and then complain an hour later he was still hurting. The doctors couldn’t understand why his body metabolized the medication so quickly, but we all knew. The something special in our blood could be seen as a curse in my dad’s case. It was because of it nothing lasted in his system as long as it should. Gran said there were alternative medicines he could take to alleviate his pain besides the death pills the doctors prescribed him, but he refused to try anything else.
Instead, he turned to alcohol.
He’d told me once, when I’d asked why he drank so much, if he drank enough he couldn’t hardly feel anything.
I’d cried for him that night.
It had been six years since the accident. Six years since he’d let the alcohol and pills take over his life. Six years I’d watched both do more harm than good.
My lips pursed together when I spotted him sitting at the end of the bar.
“Bout time you came back, Eli,” Dad slurred. His bloodshot eyes bypassed me and landed on Eli. “Need a refill.”
“No. You’re done. Let’s get you home,” I said as I stepped to his side.
“Mina, my little Mina Bena,” he slurred, finally having noticed me. His face erupted into a large smile as I draped his arm over my shoulders. “You look so pretty tonight. Doesn’t she look pretty, Eli?”
My cheeks heated. I refused to make eye contact with Eli. I didn’t want to see the smirk I knew would be plastered on his face.
“All right, Dad. Come on,” I said as I tried to force him to stand. This was going to be harder than usual. He’d had way too much to drink tonight. His limbs were practically made of rubber.
“That she does, Mr. Ryan,” Eli surprised me by saying; I hadn’t expected him to answer. Especially not with something that sounded so genuine.
My gaze flicked toward him. I’d only meant to glance at him for a split-second, but his eyes were trained on me from the other side of the bar. The same genuine sensation I gathered from the tone of his voice had somehow found its way to his eyes. It swirled within their depths. The sight of them startled me. I held his gaze longer than I should. My grip on my dad loosened, and he fell to the floor.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry! Are you okay, Dad?” I bent to help him up at the same time I noticed Eli jump the bar. His fingertips grazed mine as he reached to help my dad to his feet, causing that same strange electricity to fizzle across my skin that always seemed to happen each time we touched. I jerked my hand back, releasing the hold I had on my dad for the second time. This time his head hit the leg of the barstool he’d been sitting on. Dad erupted in a fit of laughter as my face became impossibly hot.
What was wrong with me tonight?
“Here, let me help.” Eli grabbed my father by the shoulders and lifted him to his feet. He was strong, there was no doubt, but I wasn’t a damsel in distress. I could take care of my dad. Hell, I had been for the last few years.
All I needed was for Eli to keep his distance. It was when he was too close, and paying more attention to me than he should, issues spurred.
“I don’t need any help. I’ve got it,” I muttered as soon as Eli had my dad standing again. “Thanks for calling me. Next time try not to serve him so much alcohol.”
“Not a problem, and I’m pretty sure he’d already been drinking when he came in.” Eli grabbed my dad’s cane and handed it to me. I could barely release my grip on him long enough to grab hold of it and tuck it beneath my arm. While my dad wasn’t overweight, he was a big guy. At six foot, he towered over me. Granted, I was all of five-foot-two, but he also had at least a hundred pounds on me.
Regardless, I’d helped him out of this bar more times than I cared to remember.
The first time he’d called me from the bar asking if I would pick him up, I’d been fourteen. Scared shitless didn’t even describe how I felt sitting behind the wheel when I drove over, but I liked the feeling of someone counting on me. Someone needing me. Especially family.
Maybe that was my issue, my own inner demon. I cared more than I should about those I loved.
“How did he get here?” I knew he hadn’t driven. His truck was still at home. I couldn’t imagine him walking the distance either. It was a good six or seven miles. Then again, I wouldn’t put it past him to try. He was nothing but determined when he had his mind set on something.
“He came in with Herschel Ammons a couple hours ago. Both of them looked like they were drunk as a skunk. Herschel tried to leave, but I took his keys from him and called Betty Sue. She got him about thirty minutes before you got here. If I’d known you were going out on a date or whatever, I would’ve had her take your dad home, too.”
I had Dad start walking toward the exit, leaning on me as we went. It felt like every bone in my right shoulder was being crushed by his deadweight, but I refused to let Eli help.
“Cut the crap. You knew I was going out tonight,” I snapped, flashing him the best go-to-hell look I could muster while carrying my dad’s weight.
“What if I did?” A devious grin spread across his face. “What are you going to do about it?”
“Nothing. I’m sure if I did, you’d like it too much.”
“No truer words have ever been spoken,” he said with a wink.
I pushed the screen door to the bar open and eased my way out with Dad still in tow. He had practically passed out on me and was of no assistance whatsoever. He muttered something about my mom, and I knew that was why he’d drank so much tonight. He’d been thinking about her again. No doubt blaming himself for why she’d left us.
The thought of her boiled my blood, giving me the added oomph I needed to get him to my car.
“Can you at least let me open your door for you?” Eli asked from somewhere behind me. I hadn’t realized he’d followed me out.
“No, I’ve got it. Go back to work,” I insisted. I leaned my dad against my old hatchback as best I could. My fingers wrapped around the door handle, and I lifted up before I pushed the button, knowing it was the only way to get the passenger door open. “You wouldn’t have been able to figure out how to open it anyway.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I’ve seen you do that a time or two in the past. Think I could’ve managed.”
“What, are you stalking me now?”
“Stalking you, no. Have you forgotten I’ve lived in the trailer beside your Gran’s my entire life?”
Of course I hadn’t forgotten. How could I ever forget someone like him living beside me my entire life? “Right.”
I pulled the passenger door open all the way. It protested with a loud squeak, but thankfully managed to stay open on its own. “Come on, Dad. Let’s get you home,” I said as I grabbed him by the shoulders, hoping to steer him through my passenger door with ease.
“So pretty. Just like your mother,” Dad murmured. “You’ve got her eyes.”
“Yeah, thanks, Dad. I know,” I said as I gave him a final shove. He fell into the seat, pulling me along with him. The car shook, causing the door to start to close. I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing for the painful blow of the metal door against my calf, but it never came.
Eli had stopped it from crushing my leg. “Here, please let me help.” His hands gripped my waist as he helped me to my feet. Electricity sizzled along my skin, causing my heart rate to spike.
I fumbled out of the way and allowed him to maneuver my dad around in the seat the right way. A gentle breeze blew, wafting Eli’s masculine scent to me. My eyes followed his every movement as my stomach fluttered. Jesus, what was it about this guy that invoked all these crazed sensations inside me?
Alec. I needed to think of Alec.
Eli’s help meant nothing besides me getting to see Alec sooner. I’d already had to cancel movie plans with him. I didn’t want to have to cancel the entire night, and if I didn’t get help situating my dad in my passenger seat, that was what I’d have to do. My time was running short. I couldn’t stand him up again. I’d already rearranged our plans twice this week. He didn’t seem to mind, but I knew having to do it a third time might bother him. He would probably think I was a flake and quit giving me the time of day.
I didn’t want that. I liked Alec too much to allow it to happen.
He was a good guy. He made me feel peaceful and content. Normal in some unexplainable way I always seemed to crave. He made me feel more than what I was.
And, he was the exact opposite of Eli Vargas.
Where Eli was dark and mysterious, Alec was sweet and charming. Where Eli was cocky and primal, Alec was southern and respectful.
They were like night and day.
“There, got him in for you, but I didn’t buckle him up. Figure that’s something you can do yourself,” Eli said as he eased away from my car and closed the door.
“Thanks.” As much as I hated to admit it, I was glad he’d helped. It was clear I’d needed someone. My dad was hammered. Again.
Gran would be pissed. Her anger wouldn’t last though; it never did. She felt as bad for him as the rest of us. Probably more. After all, he was her son.
“You do look nice tonight, Mina,” Eli said as I started around the front of my car. His words gave me pause. What was with all his compliments lately? While he had always tossed them at me from time to time, there’d never been so many strung together, and they’d never made me feel the way they did tonight—all hot and bothered. “I’m sorry if I held you up long enough to ruin your plans with that boy. I honestly didn’t mean to. I thought to ask Betty Sue to take your dad home two seconds too late.” He rubbed the back of his neck as his eyes lifted from the gravel to lock on mine. The light of the waxing crescent moon above illuminated his face more than the lamppost, making it easy to see how genuine his words were in case I couldn’t hear it in his voice.
“You didn’t ruin my night. That boy will wait for me,” I said, tossing the words he’d used when speaking of Alec back in his face. He knew his name. Why was it so hard for him to say it?
“If he knows what’s good for him, he better.” Eli grinned.
I didn’t know if he meant he’d beat him up if he didn’t or something else altogether. I didn’t wait around to find out either. Instead, I rounded my car and slipped behind the wheel. My fingers fumbled with the keys, but only because my eyes had drifted back to Eli. He was watching me, working his jaw like there might be more he wanted to say. I didn’t give him the chance. I cranked the engine of my car. It whined before sputtering to life. My dad stirred in the passenger seat and laughed as he mimicked the noise my clunker made. I wished he’d sober up long enough to fix the damn thing for me.
I wasn’t about to hold my breath for it, though.
Gears ground together as I shifted into reverse. I backed out of my parking spot without another glance at Eli and shifted into drive, ready to head home.
The second I passed the sign for Mirror Lake Trailer Park, I checked the dashboard clock. Alec hadn’t sent me a text yet, but I was sure he would soon. I was creeping up on being well beyond fashionably late and bordering on rude.
Another date had been ruined, and it was my fault.
I cut the engine on my hatchback and hurried to the passenger side so I could get my dad out. Somewhere along the stretch between Eddie’s and home, he’d fallen asleep. His head fell back, letting his mouth hang open, and he sawed logs as drool dribbled from his mouth. This was nothing new. He’d always snored, but when he drank, it was worse.
“Dad, wake up. We’re home,” I muttered as I nudged him. He didn’t budge. “Dad! Wake up!” I said louder. He folded his arms over his chest and proceeded to roll over onto his side.
My patience was wearing thin. I needed him to wake up so he could help me get him inside. There was no way I’d be able to carry him the way Eli had.
“Dad! Get up!” I shouted as I gave him a shove. I didn’t care if I woke up the neighbors three feet away in the next trailer. It was just Eli’s family, and they were probably used to it by now.
“Hmmm?” Dad stirred, but he didn’t fully commit to staying awake.
It took one more hard shove before he finally came to enough to help maneuver himself out of my car. His balance was off. I blamed it equally on his bum leg and how much he’d drank, but knew it had more to do with the latter.
When I finally got him inside the quiet recesses of our trailer, I flopped him down on the couch. There was no point in trying to take him back to his room. It would only wake up Gran. Thank goodness the room my little sister and I shared was on the other side of the trailer. The last thing I wanted was for her to see Dad this wasted. It would only upset her. It was hard enough being thirteen and not having your mom around—I remembered from personal experience—but it was another thing altogether to be constantly reminded of how screwed up your dad was because your mom was gone. Plus, I didn’t think seeing her older sister drag her drunk dad into the house was a memory I wanted her to have.
I tried to spare her as much as I could.
Maybe it was wrong to shelter Gracie as much as I did, but I didn’t want her to hurt. I couldn’t stand seeing those I loved hurt. Most of all, I didn’t want Gracie to worry. I knew she wasn’t stupid. She saw what went on around here, but keeping as much from her as possible made me feel like I was doing something good. Like I was making things better for her. It had to count for something, right?
I placed my hands on my hips and blew a few strands of brown hair that had slipped from my ponytail out of my eyes. Carrying Dad in had been tough. I was definitely going to be sore tomorrow. My fingertips reached around to knead the already tender muscles of the shoulder I thought Dad had broken. My cell vibrated in my back pocket, and I knew it had to be Alec. He was probably texting to say we’d have to reschedule. Either that or he was wondering where the hell I was. I wanted to explain everything to him, but I didn’t know how. Telling the guy you liked you came from a screwed-up family, one where you had to rescue your dad from himself nearly every night, was not a topic I cared to discuss.
It wasn’t normal.
And that was all Alec was—normal. It had drawn me to him. How completely normal everything about him and his life seemed. He had a good home life and loads of friends. Everything I craved to surround myself with because my life was lacking in the normal department greatly. Even if you stripped away my home life dynamics, there still wasn’t a shred of normalcy to be found. Not with my family’s secret. Heck, not with everyone in the trailer park’s secret.
I reached for my cell. Alec’s name lit my screen and so did his text.
Hey, I was wondering if you still wanted to do something tonight. It’s getting a little late.
I glanced at the time. Yeah, it was getting late. Damn it. It had taken me too long to get my dad. Anger bubbled inside me. Dad mumbled something about my mom in his sleep and shifted around to cuddle one of the throw pillows. All my anger dissipated.
He was hurting. Not just physically, but mentally.
The sad fact was he’d probably never get over either ailment. Not the pain from the accident that still lingered or the pain from my mom leaving.
I didn’t blame him. Instead, I blamed her.
If she were still here, things might not be as bad. How could a woman abandon her kids the way she did? How could she walk away from her family? Her husband?
I understood sometimes parents don’t stay together, that sometimes it didn’t work out the way they wanted, but it didn’t work that way with kids. You don’t get to divorce them. You don’t get to leave. Once you’re a parent, you’re always a parent.
Yeah, I still want to do something. – Mina
I hit send and waited for Alec to respond, hoping he didn’t ask what I wanted to do. Deciding on plans had never been my forte. My immediate response was always, “I don’t know.” It drove Gran mad.
Cool, want to meet at Rosemary’s?
Rosemary’s was a mom-and-pop diner in town. Everyone went there to hang out. Everyone except me. I didn’t have issues with the people who hung out there. The place just wasn’t my cup of tea. Being in a brightly lit, crowded place was never something I enjoyed. I preferred quiet places in nature, dim lighting, and small crowds.
Alec was the exact opposite. Maybe that was another reason I liked him. He forced me out of my comfort zone. He was a people person. The perfect mixture of outgoing and sweet.
Sure, meet you there in twenty. – Mina
“Mina, honey? Is that you?” Gran’s voice floated to my ears from down the hall. She appeared in the kitchen dressed in her baby blue bathrobe and fuzzy white slippers. Her gray hair cascaded past her shoulders in soft curls and her face was wrinkled with age, but it was the concern tinting her blue eyes a shade lighter than usual that hurt my heart. She was going to be upset when she saw my dad laid out on the couch, but what could I do? There was no way to shield her from it. If she heard me come in, then she already knew the reason why. “You had to go get him again, didn’t you?” she asked, her tone sharp.
“He’s getting worse.”
“I know.” Sometimes I wondered if I’d wake up to find he’d died of a broken heart.
“Thank you for bringing him home again, dear, but you could have woken me up. I would’ve gone for him,” she said, giving me the stern look I considered her signature stare in situations like this.
“I don’t mind.”
“Still, I don’t feel it’s your place. I’ve told you that before.”
She had. A thousand times. Same as all the other times before, I ignored her. There was no way I’d send my seventy-year-old grandmother to a bar in the middle of the night to pick up her drunk son. It didn’t seem right.
“You look nice. Are you going out tonight?”
“Yeah. I was supposed to meet Alec hours ago for a movie, but that obviously didn’t happen. Now I guess we’re meeting at Rosemary’s.”
Gran’s wrinkled lips pinched into a frown. “I don’t know why you waste your time with that boy.”
And here we go. Just like Eli, Gran called Alec that boy. I was so sick of hearing those words. I didn’t know why everyone insisted on me blowing him off. Alec was a decent guy. He made me happy. Shouldn’t that be all that mattered?
“I like him. Isn’t that enough?” I asked, minding my tone. Gran would get onto me if I didn’t. Then there was no way I’d be permitted to leave the house, eighteen or not. Gran ruled the roost.
“You know it’s not, Mina. Nothing good can come from spending so much time with him. Especially not with the next full moon coming so soon.” She stepped to a cabinet in the kitchen and pulled down a mug. Every muscle in my body tensed at the reminder of the coming moon. “I love you, child, but you’re only setting yourself up for heartbreak.” She filled the mug with tap water before placing it in the microwave, and then moved to another cabinet to retrieve her favorite homemade tea blend. “You know there’s a strong chance you’re Moon Kissed. It runs in our family’s blood.”
“I know,” I whispered as icy panic set in at the thought of another full moon passing and nothing happening.
I wanted to be Moon Kissed, but I also wanted the normal life Alec represented. Shouldn’t I be able to have both?
Something sinister lurks in the Mirror Lake woods...
Life is different for those living in the Mirror Lake Trailer Park. Mina Ryan has waited years for her werewolf gene to trigger. The clock is ticking, if she isn't Moon Kissed soon, she runs the risk of becoming an outsider to her pack.
Main Tropes
- Small-Town
- Wolf Shifters
- Race Against Time
- Pack Mystery
- Suspenseful
- Paranormal Romance
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